Monday, June 29, 2009

When lyrics say it better than I do....

I let them. I am sorry if that makes me seem lazy. Or anything bad. It isn't my intention. I'm not trying to be a "music whore". But I also love music. I love the way it makes me feel. I am emotional, no ifs and or buts. I won't argue it. It may mean that my life has more pain than the average, some of it brought on by myself. It may mean also, that my life has more color than average, I don't know. This is the only life I know for a fact I recall clearly. *grin*
So, sometimes, people have been able to say things better or simply just before me. I don't want to repeat things so that they lose their meaning. And just because I use someone else's words doesn't mean I mean them any less than as if I came up with them on my own. Sometimes, the music helps the lyrics. Sometimes, I listen to a song and get caught up in the emotion of it all. The music, the voice of the singer, the words... I can't *help* but that is who I am. It is always who I will be. I have loved lyrics *words* and music since I was young. I don't mean to be annoying. I don't mean to turn into an insta-dork and sing loudly *sometimes badly* along. I don't mean to pester by forwarding lyrics that say something to me. It's just me expressing myself, and I sometimes have a hard time doing so. Sometimes, I feel like I am misunderstood a lot, and I wanna celebrate when I find a song that helps explain things. I like knowing that somewhere, someone has *gotten* it. So. Sometimes, lyrics say it all. It simply is the way I am.

For some lyrics that say it all, see below.... *these are merely some that have spoken to me through time.I am not silly enough to put them all down, lolz*

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