Monday, June 29, 2009

Phelps and Brown....Role Models??

So. Michael Phelps, one time ( no make that MULTIPLE TIME) hero of our nation has some crappy friend sold a pic of him smoking some marijuana out of a bong to the highest bidder. Now, companies like Michigan's own Kellog's (a company that was founded on slightly out of the ordinary homeopathic medical treatments) is cancelling his contract. One report on it states this:
Quiet ruled for days. Then Thursday, Kellogg's halted its sponsorship
of Phelps, finding his behavior "not consistent with the image of
Kellogg's," the 103-year-old Michigan cereal titan. Subway, another
sponsor, opted for censure but not discontinuance. From a far different
culture, the Swiss watchmaker Omega deemed it "a non-issue."

"I think there would have been a much stronger and larger fallout" for
an American gold medalist 10 or 20 years ago, said Paul Armentano,
deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of
Marijuana Laws. In the Phelps brouhaha, Armentano has sensed a profound
shift in national dialogue and in media questions, even if he does
still chafe when incorrigible headline writers find double-entendres
irresistible. In his view, a swift, toned, dominant athlete who "more
than the average American is cognizant of what he puts in his body"
simply "blows to smithereens" marijuana's images of slackerdom.

The nation has been raging with debate about this. Now, Chris Brown is arrested for a "domestic assault". And what do ya know, Wrigley is pulling him as their spokesperson for Doublemint gum. I'm not justifying at all Chris's actions. I agree fully, in the case of something as serious as assualt, that that is for SURE not an image ANY company wants to be associated with. BUT, to dare lump Phelp's actions along Brown's violent ones, is apples and oranges. What Phelps did honestly, should've hurt no one. But what Chris did was inexcusable. When are people going to get the clue that just because someone is famous does NOT mean they are a role model??? In fact, just beacuse someone may be a role model, doesn't make them perfect, either. How about stop telling your children to look to others, and be the person you want them to be instead????? Stop asking everyone else to take responsiblity for the upbringing of your children. If there is an issue with something on tv, change the channel. The same goes for music. If you have a problem with something, do something about it, and make a difference, or you can never expect your children to.

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